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Seminar Grasshopper SS 09

Gisela Baurmann
with Sven Pfeiffer & Christophe Barlieb

Technische UniversitÄt Berlin


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Sharing your work


We would like to present your work for the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" at the TU Berlin. Please set up a blog for your project until then and send the link to Christophe or me so we can refer to it.

The blog will be an essential tool for the communication in the next weeks and also serves as a base for grading your projects.

.: Sven Pfeiffer 2:47 PM

RBD Workshop - First Day


The workshop has started!
Here are first impressions of our lovely space on top of the main building
at TU Berlin

A morning impression with Kristoffer Josefsson on his way to explain the wonderful world
of developable surfaces

Impressions of the work atmosphere

Some of the tutors: Dimitrie Stefanescu from Bucharest, Kristoffer Josefsson and Ines Putz from Maths
and Christophe Barlieb from the Architecture Department

.: Sven Pfeiffer 9:55 AM



Here two files to download for using the laser cutter at TU Berlin.
click 1
click 2

.: Robert 10:54 PM

Rule Based Design Symposium TU Berlin 27.05.09


For more info please see this link:

.: Anonymous 10:57 PM

new official grasshopper site


.: Anonymous 11:35 PM

Grasshopper Visual Training (work-in-progress)

Not finished yet, but maybe worth to have a look at it for the next time, is the visual training for Grasshopper, worked out at McNeel Miami. You can find the Work-In-Progress tutorial here:

.: ines 11:30 AM

Algorithmic Modelling with Grasshopper

Another very interesting source for the use and possibilities of grasshopper in an architectural context:

Click on the image to download the PDF and feel free to read through.

.: ines 11:16 AM

Curve Crease Origami


Please feel free to read the following paper

.: Anonymous 9:39 PM

Please download and read the following text about "Surfaces that can be built from paper".

You can buy the book here.

.: Robert 4:46 PM

Grasshopper Build 0.6


Please download the latest build of Grasshopper 0.6

.: Anonymous 7:50 PM

Developable Surfaces & Processing in Istanbul


Our good friend Kris Josefsson just completed a wonderful little seminar on developing surfaces from curves via Processing scripts at the Istanbul Technical University. Kris will be teaching parts of the upcoming workshop ;)

.: Anonymous 10:44 PM

Seminar Grasshopper



.: Robert 12:13 PM